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Learn Alias Design 2014 Mac 13 with These Online Courses and Tutorials


Over time, my laziness spurred me to write a set of Git aliases that streamline this flow for me. In this post, I share these aliases and some tips on writing your own. These aliases start off simple, but they get more advanced near the end. The advanced ones demonstrate some techniques for building your own very useful aliases.

With this alias, you can checkout a branch by using git co some-branch instead of git checkout some-branch. Since I often edit aliases by hand, I have one that opens the gitconfig file with my default editor.

alias design 2014 mac 13

However the first push I do in a new branch is asking me to do "git push --set-upstream origin my-new-branch" every time... is there a need to create a new alias for pushing or am I doing something wrong?

Great aliases, i use them all the time, and the workflow is a breeze.But the git bclean command is giving an error (illegal --r options) on macos. Do you have a compatible alias, it is a pain to delete manually the local branches after a PR merge....

Very well-written, considered, and formatted post. A clean set of aliases/functions/personal utilities makes for a clean mind & cleaner workflow. In making these aliases, I'm sure you clarified your personal workflow substantially.

1. -r is a GNU-extension to xargs, which means it will not work for many macos users unless they import that specific binary. I'm not sure which system you're on, but either way, around half of users with this invocation will have a fatal & confusing error for this alias.2. Even if present on the system, -r swallows the error case for 'git branch -d', that being branches aren't provided. With -r, no output is given, and so people are likely to expect it to have been successful, including yourself even having written the alias. It may be slightly confusing, because one would think "oh but yes I did, I said `git bclean master`, but it at least shows an error when it should. (why are you running a cmd to clean merged branches if there aren't any?)3. There could be a problem with one of the branches, but that shouldn't make git branch -d choke. Instead, for more flexibiliity, -I and then for the `git branch -d ` invocation would create a branch -d instance for each run, as by default, it implies xargs -L 1; run, per each line of input from grep -v, the utility following.4. Using the form: `xargs -I git branch -d ` has a second advantage, and that's improved clarity. It's easier to more immediately tell what xargs is doing, both at first glance for those familiar, and for novices completely unfamiliar. 5. -I is compatible across nearly all systems/flavors of xargs, so you won't run into issues with macos, linux, etc.

Yea, it's useless here for the reason I detailed. In fact, worse than useless, it's probably circumstantially confusing. Also, it doesn't even work on macOS flavor, so you must use Linux or at least import updated GNU-utils, but maybe no one else tested that alias. (it is specific to a select group of workflows, how often do people delete branches to where they need to automate that?)

1. take out -r of xargs, replace it with -I ... . This is a typical xargs construct, works across all flavors, and is adaptable to other aliases, should people get the idea to do something similar.2. Put in another clause for bdone, to `co` the master branch first. This is to avoid the error where git tries to parse the "* topic" output of the branch list. This would never come-up (and probably hasnt for you) if you are always checked out on master at that point, and so I'm guessing you always use bclean by way of bdone, rarely using it singularly. If you're on master, the line "* master" will get removed anyways.

eGPU support in macOS High Sierra 10.13.4 and later is designed to accelerate Metal, OpenGL, and OpenCL apps and games that benefit from a powerful eGPU. Not all apps and games support eGPU acceleration; check with the app's developer to learn more.3

Mac hardware and GPU software drivers have always been deeply integrated into the system. This design fuels the visually rich and graphical macOS experience as well as many deeper platform compute and graphics features. These include accelerating the user interface, providing support for advanced display features, rendering 3D graphics for pro software and games, processing photos and videos, driving powerful GPU compute features, and accelerating machine learning tasks. This deep integration also enables optimal battery life while providing for greater system performance and stability.

The GPU drivers delivered with macOS are also designed to enable a high-quality and high-performance experience when using an eGPU, as described in the list of recommended eGPU chassis and graphics card configurations below. Because of this deep system integration, only graphics cards that use the same GPU architecture as those built into Mac products are supported in macOS.

Ive studied industrial design at Newcastle Polytechnic (now Northumbria University) in the 1980s, later moving to California to join Apple in 1992. His comments come in the wake of a series of design course closures in Britain that have been attributed to the costs associated with facilities needed for making physical objects.

In February, Bucks New University revealed it was closing the UK's leading furniture design course, while Falmouth University in south west England shut down its "costly" and "space-intensive" Contemporary Crafts degree earlier this month in favour of more computer-based courses.

Most designers are too quick to give in to pressures from marketing departments and corporations, but Apple's products have a more uniform aesthetic because there is no reason to change them, he added.

"We've tried very hard to be very clear, and this is absolutely sincere, that our goal at Apple isn't to make money. That isn't our goal. I think it's much harder for good design to come out of an organisation and to come from that as a driving force. Our goal is to desperately try to make the best products we can. We're not naive. We trust that if we're successful and we make good products, that people will like them. And we trust that if people like them, they'll buy them. Operationally we are effective and we know what we're doing and so we will make money. It's a consequence.

"Those are very easy words to say. The practice is what I think makes good design. That's what you really do and you really believe. There are many decisions that we make that might not appear to make fiscal sense, which is why the motivation that I've just described is so important. You can look at something we've done and it costs a lot more to make it the way that we want to make it. I can't justify that extraordinary additional amount of money to make it other than it's the right thing to do. It's made it better. There's integrity there. You hope that people can tell the difference.

"I really, truly believe that people can sense care. In the same way that they can sense carelessness. I think this is about respect that we have for each other. If you expect me to buy something where all I can sense is carelessness, actually I think that is personally offensive. It's offensive culturally, because it shows a disregard for our fellow human. I'm not saying that we get it right all the time, but at least our intent is to really, really care. Good design for me starts with that determination and motivation and I don't think there's anything, ever, that's good that's come from carelessness. The sad thing is that so much of what we're surrounded by in the physical world that is a product of manufacture, so much of it testifies to carelessness. The one good thing about that is if you do care it is really conspicuous."

"For those products that we are going to use for so many hours every day and are at that point of interface where there is incredible intimacy between us and other people that we care about the most, I think what it means is that we need to invest as much care as we can in how we develop them, as much care as possible in the materials we use, as much as in how we make them. So my interpretation is not that we run away and bury our heads in the sand, but we actually acknowledge that our responsibility as designers is important.

"I think the skills are essentially the same. I think it's harder now. So many of the designers that we interview don't know how to make stuff. Because workshops in design schools are expensive and computers are cheaper. A computer rendering can make a really dreadful design look palatable.

"That's just tragic, that you can spend four years of your life studying the design of three dimensional objects and not make one. It's great if the ultimate result was to be a graphic image, that's fine. But how on earth can you do that if what you're responsible to produce is a three dimensional object?

"It's machined from solid aluminium. Which conceptually is ridiculous. It's a very difficult thing to do. We spent a huge amount of our time working on designing machines. I'm lucky enough to work with the most phenomenal manufacturing team."

"The design team, we've grown. Nobody's ever left the team, which is a problem when you want to hire more people. In terms of the design team and the core creative team from an industrial design point of view, I think there's about 17 or 18 of us. I'd really like not to grow much more."

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