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2048 !(iPhone, Android): The Benefits of Playing This Brain-Boosting Game


Created byGabriele Cirulli.Based on1024 by Veewo Studio.DonateDonate BTC1Ec6onfsQmoP9kkL3zkpB6c5sA4PVcXU2iPrivacy PolicyPlay 2048 on Pokiif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined')ez_ad_units.push([[160,600],'play2048_co-banner-2','ezslot_0',138,'0','0']);__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-play2048_co-banner-2-0');report this adif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined')ez_ad_units.push([[160,600],'play2048_co-box-1','ezslot_1',145,'0','0']);__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-play2048_co-box-1-0');report this ad2048 uses cookies to analyse traffic to the site and to serve ads.Learn More

2048 is a single-player sliding tile puzzle video game written by Italian web developer Gabriele Cirulli and published on GitHub. The objective of the game is to slide numbered tiles on a grid to combine them to create a tile with the number 2048; however, one can continue to play the game after reaching the goal, creating tiles with larger numbers. It was originally written in JavaScript and CSS over a weekend, and released on 9 March 2014 as free and open-source software subject to the MIT License. Versions for iOS and Android followed in May 2014.

2048 !(iPhone, Android)

2048 was intended to be an improved version of two other games, both of which were clones of the iOS game Threes released a month earlier. Cirulli himself described 2048 as being "conceptually similar" to Threes.[2] The release of 2048 resulted in the rapid appearance of many similar games, akin to the flood of Flappy Bird variations from 2013. The game received generally positive reviews from critics, with it being described as "viral" and "addictive".

2048 is played on a plain 44 grid, with numbered tiles that slide when a player moves them using the four arrow keys.[3] Every turn, a new tile randomly appears in an empty spot on the board with a value of either 2 or 4.[4] Tiles slide as far as possible in the chosen direction until they are stopped by either another tile or the edge of the grid. If two tiles of the same number collide while moving, they will merge into a tile with the total value of the two tiles that collided.[5][6] The resulting tile cannot merge with another tile again in the same move. Higher-scoring tiles emit a soft glow;[4] the highest possible tile is 131,072.[7]

The game is won when a tile with a value of 2048 appears on the board. Players can continue beyond that to reach higher scores.[9][10][11] When the player has no legal moves (there are no empty spaces and no adjacent tiles with the same value), the game ends.[2][12]

Nineteen-year-old Gabriele Cirulli created the game in a single weekend as a test to see if he could program a game from scratch.[15] "It was a way to pass the time", he said.[16] He described it as being "conceptually similar" to the recently released iOS game Threes,[2][17] and a clone of another game, 1024.[18] Developed by Veewo Studio,[19] 1024 is itself a clone of Threes, with its App Store description once reading "no need to pay for Threes".[20] Cirulli's README for 2048 cites another 1024 clone as influence: the homonymous but slightly different in terms of mechanics 2048 by Saming.[21]

The simple controls allowed it to be used in a promo video for the Myo gesture control armband,[25] and the availability of the code underneath allowed it to be used as a teaching aid for programming.[26] The second-place winner of a coding contest at Matlab Central Exchange was an AI system that would play 2048 on its own.[27] As the source code is available, many additions to the original game, including a score leaderboard, an undo feature, and improved touchscreen playability have been written by other people. All are available to the public.[3][26]

The game has been described by The Wall Street Journal as "almost like Candy Crush for math geeks",[5] and Business Insider called it "Threes on steroids".[1] Caitlin Dewey of The Washington Post called it "a nerdy, minimalist, frustrating game",[10] while The Independent called it "addictive".[20] The phenomenon of 2048 has been compared to that of Flappy Bird by several commentators. Both games' success, and their simplicity, led to the rapid creation of many variants, and both games have been described as "viral" and "very addictive".[34]

James Vincent of The Independent labeled 2048 as "a clone of a clone".[20] In April 2014, Pocket Gamer reported that 15 new clones of Threes were released daily in the App Store.[35]When asked if he was concerned that his situation would end up as stressed as that of Nguyễn Hà Đông, the creator of Flappy Bird, Cirulli said that he had "already gone through that phase" on a smaller scale, and that once he had decided against monetizing 2048, he "stopped feeling awkward."[2]

In response to rampant cloning, the creators of Threes published a log of how the game evolved over its 14-month development cycle. They said they had tried and dismissed 2048's tile merging variant, because it made the game too easy.[36] In a 2014 Wired article, they claimed to have each beaten 2048 on their first play.[36]

The mathematical nature of 2048 has made the game of interest to AI researchers. As of 2022, AI achieved[37] over 95% (likely over 98%, but the measurement has noise) probability of making a 16384 tile, over 75% (likely over 80%) probability of making a 32768, and over 3% probability of making a 65536 (improving over the results in [38] and [39]). Due to randomness and lack of spare room, the optimal probability of making a 65536 tile is expected to be low; this is supported by optimal solutions for constrained boards.[37][40]

2048 AI strategy uses expectimax search up to a certain (variable) depth, plus transposition tables to avoid duplication. Analogously to endgame tablebases, tables are used to estimate success (for building a large enough tile without destroying the configuration) in appropriate positions with many large tiles. A position evaluation function can favor empty squares, having a large number of merge possibilities, placement of larger tiles at the edge, and monotonicity for tile sizes, especially for larger tiles.[41][42] The parameters are optimized by a search for better parameter values; some papers[38][39] used temporal difference reinforcement learning.

This legendary puzzle game will put your mind to the test. Connect at least two bubbles of the same value to form a new bubble with double value.Use powerful boosters to boost your score and climb the leaderboard.Are you capable of 2048, 4096, or even more?

2048 is a fun puzzle game for the iPhone and Android that combines matching with the square shifting puzzles popular as kids game for an addictive game that can be played again and again. Here are 7 2048 tips and tricks to get a higher score.

2048 is free on the iTunes App Store and on the Google Play Store. There are multiple versions of this game available on the Google Play Store including one that works with ChromeCast. The iOS and Android versions are from different sellers, so expect some differences in game play.

Cirulli posted an explanatory article on the background and experience of creating a game that became as popular as 2048 did. He duly credits the two versions of the game he originally played and enjoyed enough to see if he could make his own version with better animations. He succeeded, posted the result to Github and was surprised to see it take off overnight. Unofficial ports started appearing in the Play Store, and several malware scams have already been reported. He was happy to leave his efforts on the web via Github, because it was ultimately based on other people's work.

In 2048, you combine like-numbered tiles numbered with powers of two until you get a tile with the value of 2048. In some versions, such as Minecraft 2048, you'll be merging characters or other objects instead of numbers. But the way you play is exactly the same.Gameplay consists of swiping the tiles up, right, down and left, and any tiles that match in the direction and adjacent spot will combine in the direction swiped. 2048 is a strategy game similar to Threes! The starting board looks like this:

While it is fun to play, winning is even better. If you want to win the 2048 game, you need a strategy. The strategy described below is just one option and it works very well. Employing these tactics will help you win and allow you to get further even when the random nature of the game works against you.

This tip sounds a bit vague, but make sure you take stock of the board periodically. Sometimes you will get caught up in the action of combining the tiles and you will lose the forest for the trees. You are trying to get the 2048 tile.

Be aware that the sitemaps protocol, which allows a site to inform search engines about available pages, has a limit of 2048 characters in a URL. If you intend to use sitemaps, a limit has been decided for you! (see Calin-Andrei Burloiu's answer below)

WWW FAQs: What is the maximum length of a URL? has its own answer based on empirical testing and research. The short answer is that going over 2048 characters makes Internet Explorer unhappy and thus this is the limit you should use. See the page for a long answer.

Sitemaps protocol, which is a way for webmasters to inform search engines about pages on their sites (also used by Google in Webmaster Tools), supports URLs with less than 2048 characters. So if you are planning to use this feature for Search Engine Optimization, take this into account.

According to the HTTP spec, there is no limit to a URL's length. Keep your URLs under 2048 characters; this will ensure the URLs work in all clients & server configurations. Also, search engines like URLs to remain under approximately 2000 characters.

In the example above we used an incoming email capped at 2043 tokens as input. (This allows for a four token separator and a one token completion, summing up to 2048.) As a separator we used \n\n###\n\n and we removed any occurrence of ### within the email. 2ff7e9595c


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